The sports broadcaster ignited a torrent of backlash on Tuesday

조회 2881 | 2024-03-02 02:39

ESPN remains silent after Aaron Rodgers’ ugly attack on Jimmy Kimmel
The sports broadcaster ignited a torrent of backlash on Tuesday when he allowed the conspiracy curious and injured New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers to baselessly suggest during his show that Jimmy Kimmel might be named in documents identifying Jeffrey Epstein associates.
Kimmel, undeniably one of the brightest stars in the Disney universe, fired back at the assertion made on ABC’s sister channel, saying the “reckless words” put his family “in danger” and that if he kept it up, the two of them would “debate the facts further in court.”

  • 카카오스토리
  • 네이버 밴드
  • 지훈예리맘 2012-10-24 11:26
    와 너무 이뿌당.....축하드려요 ㅎㅎ
  • 설레임 2012-10-25 06:45
    와우~!! 정말 대단하세요.... 6권째라니.... 덕담북도 너무 이쁘게 잘 만드셨네요...ㅎㅎ
  • 복디엄마 2012-10-25 16:34
    이야 대단하시네요. 저도 꼭 성공하도록 노력해야겠어요
  • 다홍기린 2012-10-25 17:58
    예쁘게 잘 만드셨어요.
    저두 많이노력해야겠다는 드는걸요ㅎㅎ
  • 까만꼼 2012-10-25 18:11
    우와 정말 좋은데요^^
  • 쭈니 2012-10-26 09:41
    잘 만드셨어요..역쉬나 솜씨쟁이^^
  • 빰므빠탈 2012-10-26 22:35
    와 멋지네요!!
  • 은서은준맘 2012-10-26 22:35
  • 다연맘 2012-10-27 01:48
    우와ᆢ부지런하세요ᆢ6권이라니ᆢ너무 이뻐요
  • 좋네요...ㅎ 우리 아이돌때 친척들한테 한마디 쓸수 있게 만들어 봐야겠어요..ㅎㅎ
  • 예서맘 2012-12-03 15:19
    벌써 여섯번째 .... 왕 부럽네요...
    저도 꼭 성공 하고 싶어지네요.
